Ya hace poco más de un año fuimos a recorrer el noreste de la provincia de Córdoba, más precisamente una laguna que en la actualidad está unida a la inmensa laguna Mar Chiquita, se trata de la laguna del Plata.
En ese lugar acampamos en el camping municipal del mismo nombre que la laguna. Tiene muy buenas comodidades y es muy tranquilo los días de semana, aunque fines de semana largo o en plena temporada de vacaciones las ciudades cercanas como Miramar y Balnearia no dan abasto con la oferta hotelera y mucha gente pasa el día en el camping, siendo algo ruidoso en esas horas y también por el tránsito que circula hacia la ciudad de Córdoba por la ruta, que está lindante al camping.
Por lo demás es un lugar muy recomendable para los observadores de aves; pasamos tres días estupendos en ese lugar. Muestro algunas fotos de esos días; también recomiendo ver un video subido a mi canal Florafauneando donde incluyo relato y otras especies que no están en las fotos.
Esa laguna es de gran importancia para las aves limícolas, tanto locales como migratorias, además de ser también lugar de invernada de los flamencos de la Puna.
Jilguero dorado
Varillero ala amarilla
Ratona común
Parina chica
Parina grande
Remolinera parda
Parina chica
Flamenco austral
Parina chica
Chorlito de collar
Jote cabeza negra
Carpintero real
Carpintero del cardón
Picaflor de barbijo
Parina grande
También visitamos la ciudad de La Para, una pequeña localidad, muy prolija, que nos sorprendió, ya que fuimos para aprovisionarnos y nos encontramos entre oras cosas lindas con un precioso y gran parque central, con estanque lleno de aves y además réplicas de la megafauna del Pleistoceno. El sector donde están esas esculturas se llama Parque Pleistocénico.
A la hora que fuimos el parque estaba cerrado, pero desde afuera logramos tomar fotos de todos modos. En un sector cercano un hornero con un singular pico curvado hacia abajo, semejaba algo a una bandurrita, una especie de la misma familia, quizas esa malformación tenga alguna relación, quien sabe.
What a wonderful area to visit, Hernán! You were very wise to go during the week. That is also our practice, knowing that the weekends are busy and often more people are crowded together than we enjoy. It has been many years since we camped, but there always seems to be at least one camper who thinks that the entire site wishes to hear his music, and it hardly ever seems to appeal to anyone else's taste. The birds are spectacular. For those of us in the north flocks of flamingoes always seems especially exotic. I am planning another visit to Cuba next February for eight people and hope to see them there. I would also have very much enjoyed those dinosaur exhibits. Do you know if the statues were accurately reconstructed? So often that is not the case. Buen domingo amigo Hernán, y saludos cordiales desde Ontario.
Hi David, thanks for your comment. The statues are quite well made, it must be taken into account that they were made in a very small town, a kind of park like the one I show in the photos is a great achievement. Undoubtedly, the Mar Chiquita lagoon is a good place, it is the largest body of water in the country, hypersalin or otherwise. Its auas are already part of a new national park since last year. Cheers
Un precioso reportaje, los pájaros son todos muy lindos y el parque me encantó. Besos.
ResponderEliminarWhat a wonderful area to visit, Hernán! You were very wise to go during the week. That is also our practice, knowing that the weekends are busy and often more people are crowded together than we enjoy. It has been many years since we camped, but there always seems to be at least one camper who thinks that the entire site wishes to hear his music, and it hardly ever seems to appeal to anyone else's taste. The birds are spectacular. For those of us in the north flocks of flamingoes always seems especially exotic. I am planning another visit to Cuba next February for eight people and hope to see them there. I would also have very much enjoyed those dinosaur exhibits. Do you know if the statues were accurately reconstructed? So often that is not the case. Buen domingo amigo Hernán, y saludos cordiales desde Ontario.
ResponderEliminarHi David, thanks for your comment. The statues are quite well made, it must be taken into account that they were made in a very small town, a kind of park like the one I show in the photos is a great achievement. Undoubtedly, the Mar Chiquita lagoon is a good place, it is the largest body of water in the country, hypersalin or otherwise. Its auas are already part of a new national park since last year. Cheers