De destacar ese día son unos juveniles de tijereta, unos pirinchos con presas en su pico y algunos cachilo ceja amarilla juveniles.
Corbatita común (Sporophila caerulescens) macho |
Pirincho (Guira guira) con langosta |
Pirincho con rana |
Chimango (Phalcoboenus chimango) |
Pato zambullidor chico (Oxyura vittata) |
Amapola de agua (Hydrocleis nymphoides) |
Garcita blanca (Egretta thula) |
Tijereta (Tyrannus savana) juveniles |
Tijereta juvenil |
Cachilo ceja amarilla (Ammodramu humeralis) juvenil |
Golondrina parda (Progne tapera) |
Hola Hernán: The pictures of the Guira Cuckoo are quite fabulous. My wife burst out laughing when I showed them to her. She says that her hair sometimes looks like that first thing in the morning!