

domingo, 20 de octubre de 2019

Dos mixtos

Una pareja de gavilán mixto (Parabuteo unicinctus) posaba plácidamente sobre un poste del tendido eléctrico cerca de la localidad de Ceibas en la provincia de Entre Ríos.  Permanecieron varios minutos hasta que luego se fueron.

2 comentarios:

  1. Que bela pareja! Notável a diferença de tamanho entre macho e fêmea. Parabéns pelo encontro! Saludos

  2. This is a bird I am quite familiar with, having seen it many times in the southwestern regions of the United States. I am always struck by its handsome appearance and the fact that the female often consorts with two males. This is also the most common species used at airports to scare off other birds that pose a hazard to aircraft, and in parks and public spaces such as Trafalgar Square in London to deter pigeons from congregating there.
