

sábado, 11 de junio de 2022

El benteveo y la ranita

 Una secuencia de fotos que pude sacar en la zona rural del partido de Monte durante el mes de febrero, donde un benteveo (Pitangus sulphuratus) había capturada una rana juvenil (Leptodactylus sp).
La había tomado con el pico, y para matarla y a su vez ablandarla la golpeaba contra el alambrado y la varilla de este. Lugo de más de un minuto la acomodó favorablemente en su pico para poder tragarla. Aquí van algunas fotos de la secuencia que pude obtener.

4 comentarios:

  1. This is a remarkable series of pictures of the Great Kiskadee with the frog and the method it uses to completely subdue it before consuming it. I am quite sure that many think of a kiskadee purely as a flycatcher, but as this sequence shows they are quite opportunistic in their diet, and I have watched them dive for fish in the the manner of a kingfisher. Once again, Hernán, you prove yourself to be a keen observer of nature and a skilled cameraman to record it. Great job! Saludos cordiales.

    1. Despite being a flycatcher, its diet is very varied, it is a very opportunistic bird, such as insects, fish, frogs, garbage, small snakes, worms, even chicks and rodents. Once I saw him eat the remains of an onion cooked in the oven and hit it like an animal! It also tries to steal worms from birds that feed on them, such as ibises.

  2. Buenísima la secuencia !!!!!!! 🐸
